
Karolina Łempicka-Mirek, PhD, a graduate of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw and now a Postdoc in the Photonics Lab is a laureate of the 32nd edition of the START programme of the Foundation for Polish Science. START is the oldest scholarship programme for outstanding young scientists in Poland. Its aim is to support outstanding young scientists and encourage their further scientific development. Check out the external pagenews release from her former institution, the University of Warsaw. Congratulations!

In an experiment carried out at the Photonics Laboratory, scientists from ETH Zurich, the University of Innsbruck, and the University of Manchester have established a new approach to overcome a common problem in quantum physics: external page"Scientists make nanoparticles dance to unravel quantum limits"

In our recent article in external pageNano Letters, we report overbias emission for potentials that are near half of the optical bandgap energy in TMD-based tunneling LEDs.

We have created an antenna for light sources on a chip using an unusual placement of a semiconductor material. In the future, efficient nanoscale LEDs and lasers could be produced in this way.

experimental setup inside vacuum chamber

We have succeeded for the first time in cavity-​based, two dimensional ground-​state cooling of a mechanical oscillator.

Simultaneous ground-state cooling of two mechanical modes of a levitated nanoparticle has been published in external pageNature Physics.

non-conservative system

White-noise fluctuation theorem for Langevin dynamics
has been published in external pageNew Journal of Physics.

Field E reflected from a suspended mirror

Optomechanical sideband asymmetry explained by stochastic electrodynamics
has been published in external pagePhysical Review A.


12-Sept-2022 Doctoral theses award
Antti Moilanen, who joined our group late in 2021 just received an award for "The Best Doctoral Thesis of the Year" by Photonics Finland. Antti completed his PhD at Aalto University. His PhD thesis “Bose-Einstein condensation in plasmonice lattices” demonstrated the first Bose-Einstein condensate of plasmonic quasiparticles. The thesis received maximum scores for scientific impact from all evaluator. CONGRATULATIONS!!


Mutual coherence coding scheme

Encoding information in the mutual coherence of spatially separated light beams
has been published in external pageOptics Letters.

Enlarged view: Best Talk Award

10-Aug-2022 Best Talk Award
Alfonso Nardi presented his recent results on spatial coherence control for applications in telecommunications at the Complex Nanophotonics Science Camp in Windsor Park (UK), which he attended together with 60 other PhD students and post-docs in the field. His presentation was named winner of the 'best talk award'. Congratulations!

Ponderomotive Squeezing of Light

Ponderomotive squeezing of light by a levitated nanoparticle in free space
has been published in external pagePhysical Review Letters.


Ion Migration in Monolayer MoS2 Memristors
has been published in external pagePhysical Review Applied.

Enlarged view: Goumois Workshop attendees

19-Jun-2022 2D Workshop
The 2D group of the Photonics Lab hosted a collaborative workshop in Goumois (Jura) and spent two fruitful days with the team of Prof. Alexandre Bouhelier from the Université de Bourgogne in Dijon and the team of Prof. Achim Hartschuh from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München.

SOLA runners

07-May-2022 SOLA Run
A bunch of Photonics Lab members were taking their energy to the outdoors and participated in the SOLA Stafette. The team consisting of Download14 runners (JPEG, 2.8 MB) together with 874 other teams ran a relay-style race covering 120km around Zurich and the lake. CONGRATULATIONS to all!!


Tip-enhanced Stokes–Anti-Stokes scattering from carbyne 
has been published in external pageNanoletters.

Moilanen and Tebbenjohanns

02-Mar-2022 Doctoral theses awards
Antti Moilanen, who joined our group late in 2021 just received an award for outstanding PhD thesis at Aalto University, Finland. Antti’s PhD thesis “Bose-Einstein condensation in plasmonice lattices” demonstrated the first Bose-Einstein condensate of plasmonic quasiparticles. The criteria for the award were the academic quality, impact, and originality of his thesis.

Two weeks earlier, Felix Tebbenjohanns was awarded with the ETH medal for an outstanding doctoral thesis. His work was performed in the Photonics Lab on "Linear Feedback cooling of levitated Nanoparticle in free space". The official ceremony took place in person at ETH on January 17, and Felix received his award personally by the president Joël Mesot himself.


TERS images

Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of confined carbon chains 
has been published in external pageThe Journal of Chemical Physics.

Controlling spatial coherence with an optical complex medium 
has been published in external pageOptics Express.

Levitodynamics: Levitation and control of microscopic objects in vacuum 
has been published in external pageScience.

Resonant light emission from graphene/hexagonal boron nitride/graphene tunnel junctions 
has been published in external pageACS Nano.

Kovacs memory effect with an optically levitated nanoparticle 
has been published in external pagePhysical Review Letters.

Sub-Kelvin fe
edback cooling and heating dynamics of an optically levitated librator has been published in external pagePhysical Review Letters.

Transverse confinement of electron beams in a 2D optical lattice for compact coherent x-ray sources has been published in external pageNew Journal of Physics.

Quantum control of a nanoparticle optically levitated has been published in external pageNature.

13-Aug-2021 Quantum engineers in high demand
Gabriele Raino, Lukas Novotny and Martin Frimmer discuss the approach they are pursuing at ETH Zürich to provide students with an education in quantum engineering in external pageNature Materials.

Anti-Stokes Raman scattering of single carbyne chains has been published in external pageACS Nano.

Escape dynamics of active particles in multistable potentials has been published in Nature Communications.

Prof. Novotny wins ERC Synergy Grant
Q-​Xtreme aims to push the limits of macroscopic quantum superpositions with levitated objects. Read the press release.

We managed to organize an in-person group outing to the beautiful Regensberg/Lägeren area during the fall while the COVID-19 rules where somewhat relaxed. What a welcome break to the regular, weekly ZOOM group meetings :-)

Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Resonators for Second Harmonic Signal Enhancement 
has been published in ACS Photonics.

Raman scattering cross section of confined carbyne has been published in Nanoletters.

Coupling interlayer excitons to whispering gallery modes in van der Waals heterostructures has been published in Nanoletters.

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